M.Sc. in Informatics Engineering

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Project Management and Research Methodologies

Module Title:  Project Management and Research Methodologies

Teaching hours : 39
Credits : 7.5
Semester : 1st
Instructor: Tsiknakis Manolis ,  Associate Professor

Course Objectives

The course aims to present the fundamental approaches in project management and the specific methodologies that are used in the area of Informatics and Multimedia.

Indicative Syllabus
The course contains three fundamental sections:
•    The first section pertains to knowledge relating to understanding the research process in Informatics and multimedia. In this section, lectures will address and hone into research categories (fundamental research, applied research, experimental / industrial research, etc), will discuss the foundation knowledge demanded in each category, working assumptions and basic themes for research, as well as the value of research as an educational tool and its value in adding into the known knowledge corpus.
•    The second section covers existing methodology approaches and the design of research (formal methodologies using statistical techniques, qualitative methodologies such as field studies, ethnography, etc). In addition, the distinction is made between qualitative and quantitative research methodologies uncovering their complementarity in the framework of project management, the stages of the project and the programmed controls and checkpoints.
•    The third section discusses techniques for undertaking research per thematic region, the validity of collected data, the documentation of the results, their presentation to different target groups, as well as the effect of the research.
The presentations are supported by and documented with links to recent small and large undergoing or completed scale achievements.

[1]    Myers, M.D. “Qualitative Research in Business & Management”, Sage Publications, London, 2009.
[2]    Silverman, D. “Interpreting Qualitative Data”, Sage Publications, London, 1993.
[3]    Alavi, M. and Carlson, P. “A review of MIS research and disciplinary development,” Journal of Management Information Systems (8:4), 1992, pp. 45-62.
[4]    Gable, G. (1994). “Integrating Case Study and Survey Research Methods: An Example in Information Systems”, European Journal of Information Systems, 3(2), pp. 112-126.

Short Description_RM and PM_ENG Short_Description Fall 2023.pdf