M.Sc. in Informatics Engineering

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Topics in Management Information Systems

Module Title: Selected topics in Management Information Systems

Teaching hours:
Credits: 7,5
Semester: 2nd
Instructor: Akoumianakis Demosthenes Professor


Learning objectives
The course aims to link business and management studies with computer science to facilitate a broad understanding of the key role of technology in organizing modern enterprises and their business routines. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with (a) current theoretical trends related to the organization of work in technologically advanced enterprises and (b) specific technologies and categories of Management Information Systems with the lens of the case analysis. Upon completion of the course, students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to understand basic techniques of analysis, organization and interoperability of Business Information Systems.
Scope and structure
The course is organized in three parts each hosting several lectures on selected topics as follows:

Part A: Basic concepts and foundation
Lecture1: Themes and concepts of primary interest (Coverage of Management information Systems topics, research issues of interest to the community, research approaches and methods, publication venues, focus and structure of the course)
Lecture2: Organizational routines and analytical techniques – A (Structured systems analysis, Use case modelling)
Lecture3: Modern organizational routines and analytical techniques – B (Social data, virtual enterprise routines, emerging data models, interoperability)
Lecture4: Case study research, methodologies, data collection techniques, digital trace data, analytical frameworks
Part B: Categories of MIS
Lecture5: Use case 1 – Social enterprises (focusing on analysis and critical reflection of a representative system)
Lecture6: Use case 2 – Collaborative project management (focusing on platforms such as Trello.com or Asana.com and their digital ecosystems)
Lecture7: Use case 3 – Enterprise Social Networks (focusing on platforms such as HumHub and the opportunities it provides for enterprise-oriented social networking)
Lecture8: Use case 4 – Analysis of professional social networks such as LinkedIn and critical discussion of mechanisms for bonding and active recruitment
Lecture9: Use case 5 – Crowd sourcing models and applications in various industries
Part C: Empirical settings
Lecture10: In class project presentations and review by students
Lecture11: In class workshop (driven by the instructor)
Lecture12: Concluding remarks and prospective thesis

The laboratory part of the course will split students into small groups each working on a project (suitably defined from the case studies presented by the instructor in the introductory part of the course). Each group in collaboration with the instructor will develop a project plan, set objectives, split the work into tasks and organize the execution of the work. At the end of the course projects are consolidated into a paper-like case report and presented in class. It should be noted that project work does not require physical presence in the laboratory as most of the work can be done remotely by the members using appropriate tools.

Suggested bibligraphy
K. Laudon and J. Laudon (2000) “Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology in the Networked Enterprise”, Prentice Hall, 6th edition.
In addition to the above students are expected to consult specific articles (provided by the instructor) published in leading venues such as Journal of Management Information Systems, Management Information Systems Quarterly, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Information Systems Research.

Teaching methods
The theoretical part of the course is organized into weekly lectures that consolidate a variety of learning materials compiled into slideshows, case reports, videos, etc. The laboratory part is practice-oriented and seeks to expose students to real-life problems and challenges. Together, theory and laboratory establish an explicit focus on collaborative problem solving, use of new methods for organizing work in modern enterprises and assessment of implications.